Ketamine can treat depression as effectively as electroconvulsive therapy

The “dissociative anesthetic” ketamine is looking increasingly promising as a safe and effective treatment for intractable depression. A new randomized study by researchers in the United States has shown that ketamine injections are at least as effective as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in treating nonpsychotic forms of major depression. After starting ECT or ketamine therapy, patients in the study reported an almost immediate improvement in their quality of life. Side effects such as nausea and poor memory were common for both treatments, albeit short-lived. “Statistically, it was a solid finding showing…

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The ketamine clinic may give depression sufferers a new treatment

Individuals suffering from depression may be able to find new hope in the form of an old drug known as ketamine through a private clinic called KetaMind which offers ketamine as a treatment for depression. KetaMind was recently opened in Israel and founded by psychiatrist Dr. Stuart Seidman and emergency medicine specialist Prof. Michael Drescher. Researchers in recent years have begun experimenting with ketamine as a possible treatment for depression after those diagnosed and given ketamine to treat unrelated conditions reported significant improvement in their mood and overall mental health.…

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