Why many Indians don’t trust mental health advice

New Delhi: THE The World Health Organization estimates that 56 million Indians suffer from it depression and an estimated 38 million suffer from anxiety disorders. At the same time mmental health awareness is on the rise, especially in urban areas India. This is demonstrated by a study by UnivDatos Market Insights the mental health industry expected to grow at an annual rate of 15% for the years 2022-2028. However, many Indians are unable to trust the process of seeking therapy due to disabling experiences. A Mumbai student has sought therapy…

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Why many Indians don’t trust mental health advice DW 06/02/2023

A Mumbai student has sought therapy after coming out as a lesbian to her family. “It was a terrible time in my life. My father had disowned me and I was always guilty. I felt I was letting my family down,” Alina told DW, using a pseudonym. The 25-year-old said seeking help has left her crippled, uncertain and with low self-esteem. “My therapist at the time told me that my father only wants what’s good for me, and that I should apologize to him. This made me feel like I…

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