The men’s retreat program aims to address increasing male loneliness

Hidden off the main streets of Twentynine Palms, California is an oasis in the desert. It is at The Campbell House that palm trees and greenery thrive amid the relentless hot sun. It is also where about 30 men gathered for a weekend retreat. Men come from different races, socio-economic backgrounds and age groups. They joined the men’s group Evryman, to do what most of them have never done before: open up and be vulnerable with themselves and with each other. The retreat is intense, exciting, peer-to-peer work aided by…

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“Ozempic Butt” has an increasing impact on those who use weight loss drugs

Having experienced a meteoric buzz in almost Everything is fine form of media (particularly TikTok) over the past year, injections of semaglutide (better known by brand names like Ozempic and Wegovy) are becoming more common than ever. The prescription drug that partially mimics a hormone in the body that helps suppress appetite and can encourage significant weight loss has also earned a reputation for a myriad of side effects, from gastrointestinal upset to the dramatic impact it can have on the your appearance. Part of this phenomenon was examined earlier…

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