New chronic constipation guideline evaluates treatment options

A new practice guideline aims to help clinicians navigate an increasingly crowded field of over-the-counter and prescription treatment options for chronic idiopathic constipation in otherwise healthy people. The guideline, published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, was jointly developed by the American Gastroenterological Association and the American College of Gastroenterology. It marks the first AGA update on chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC), also called functional constipation, in a decade. In an interview, guideline lead author Lin Chang, MD, of the University of California, Los Angeles, noted that CIC is defined as…

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Benefits of dasatinib and quercetin treatment in monkeys

In one of the first studies of its kind, the popular senolytic combination, administered systematically for six months, produced several health benefits in these animals. Some effects were enhanced by calorie restriction [1]. Coup de grace for the cells The combination of the drug dasatinib and the flavonoid quercetin, also known as D+Q, is one of the most popular senolytics (compounds that induce death in senescent cells). It has been the subject of several preclinical studies and a few clinical trials, showing a lot of promise [2]. However, there are…

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The ketamine clinic may give depression sufferers a new treatment

Individuals suffering from depression may be able to find new hope in the form of an old drug known as ketamine through a private clinic called KetaMind which offers ketamine as a treatment for depression. KetaMind was recently opened in Israel and founded by psychiatrist Dr. Stuart Seidman and emergency medicine specialist Prof. Michael Drescher. Researchers in recent years have begun experimenting with ketamine as a possible treatment for depression after those diagnosed and given ketamine to treat unrelated conditions reported significant improvement in their mood and overall mental health.…

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