Why do teenagers and young people harm themselves?

It is puzzling that many adolescents, especially girls, repeatedly self-harm with no explicit intention of committing suicide. The most common methods involve using blades or scissors to cut one’s arms, wrists and thighs, lighters to burn oneself, or fingernails to scratch deeply. Some may occasionally bang their heads or fists against walls hard enough to cause extensive bruising. Most of this happens in the privacy of their bedrooms. Girls are more likely to create superficial wounds on their legs and arms, while boys are more prone to aggressive acts, such…

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Good Works: PATCH provides opportunities for young people to provide input on health care practices and policies

Delanie Johnson La Crosse Community Foundation PATCH believes that health care practices, programs and policies should be developed with young people rather than just for them. After all, who could be better than teenagers at providing insight into teenagers’ needs and wants? PATCH, which stands for Providers and Teens Communicating for Health, has been a part of La Crosse County since 2018. It works directly with young people, called educators and teen advocates, to ensure their voices are included in decisions that affect them, with l The ultimate goal being…

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