Good Works: PATCH provides opportunities for young people to provide input on health care practices and policies

Delanie Johnson La Crosse Community Foundation PATCH believes that health care practices, programs and policies should be developed with young people rather than just for them. After all, who could be better than teenagers at providing insight into teenagers’ needs and wants? PATCH, which stands for Providers and Teens Communicating for Health, has been a part of La Crosse County since 2018. It works directly with young people, called educators and teen advocates, to ensure their voices are included in decisions that affect them, with l The ultimate goal being…

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Magnetotherapy for depression is available on the NHS, here’s how it works

Magnets to cure depression? It may seem strange but this treatment is now available on the NHS. It’s called transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS. For people who have tried antidepressants but it didn’t work, TMS may be offered. It involves zapping areas of the brain associated with depression with pulsating magnetic fields. Treatment usually involves daily half-hour sessions five days a week for two to six weeks. TMS is not only used to treat depression, it has been used as a diagnostic tool for multiple sclerosis and motor neuron disease.…

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I’m an RD who finds the concept of meal prep fussy and stressful. Here’s what really works for me

Meal prep is a hands-on practice for so many looking to improve their health and focus on nutrition. In fact, #kitchenrestock has over 460 million views on TikTok. It’s strangely satisfying to see influencers cleaning, prepping, organizing, and stocking their kitchens. Sparkling waters perfectly lined up, clear containers overflowing with pre-washed berries, fresh herbs sitting in glasses of water, but who has time for all that? As a registered dietitian, I’m sharing some tips on how to eat healthy without prepping meals that will keep your kitchen well stocked for…

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