5 best exercises for men to gain strength with dumbbells

When it comes to classic masculine traits, there’s no denying that physical strength is among the most desirable. Whether you are a person who needs physical strength to do your job, an employee who wants to keep fit to compensate for a sedentary job, an athlete or a father who needs energy and strength to play with your children, stay strong is a must. If you’ve traditionally drifted away from strength training or feel lost when it comes to getting stronger, I have some great news. The truth is, getting stronger is quite simple and these five exercises for men to gain strength with dumbbells will help you.

To build your strength, you must repeatedly pick up heavy objects using optimal movement patterns. Simply put, you have to lift weights. Dumbbells are among the most popular and common tools available when it comes to fundamental weight training. Found in most commercial gyms, the dumbbell offers a wide variety of exercises to strengthen every muscle in your body.

The following are the five best exercises for men to gain strength that can be performed with dumbbells. I have put many male clients through this routine and it has helped them develop serious muscle and strength throughout their bodies. Perform each exercise with a heavy weight that causes failure between five and eight repetitions. Complete four sets per exercise, resting three to five minutes between sets. Repeat the workout twice a week.

Read on to find out more, and when you’re done, don’t miss the 5 strength exercises men should do every day to stay in shape.

man doing dumbbell bench press

The dumbbell bench press is a fundamental exercise for developing upper body strength. Primarily targeting the pectoralis major and minor (chest muscles), it also engages the deltoids (shoulders), triceps, and upper back and core muscles to a lesser extent.

To perform a dumbbell bench press, start by sitting on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand, resting them on your thighs. Lean back against the bench, keeping the dumbbells close to your chest. As you rest, he lifts his feet and plants them firmly on the floor. Your feet, hips and upper back should all maintain contact with the ground and the bench. Push the dumbbells up, straightening your arms. Make sure you keep your wrists straight and in line with your forearms. At the top of the lift, the dumbbells should be directly above your chest. Lower the dumbbells in a controlled manner to the starting position, bending your elbows and shoulders, keeping your feet, hips and upper back stable. Repeat for target repetitions.

muscular man doing dumbbell rows

Dumbbell rows are excellent for strengthening the back, especially the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids and traps. In addition, they also work the biceps, shoulders and forearms.

To perform a dumbbell row, start by standing with a dumbbell in your right hand. Bend at the hips, keeping your back straight, and he places his left hand on a bench for support. Your right foot should be slightly behind your left foot. Engage your core and hold the weight with arm extended down. Pull the weight up, visualizing a fruit being squeezed under your armpit as you retract your shoulder blades and squeeze at the end of the movement. Avoid shrugging throughout the range of motion. Lower the weight back to the starting position, controlling the movement. Repeat for target reps and switch to the other side.

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illustration of goblet squats with dumbbells

The dumbbell goblet squat is a compound exercise that primarily targets the quads, glutes, and hamstrings, but also works the calves and core muscles.

To perform a dumbbell goblet squat, start by holding a dumbbell vertically in front of your chest, cupping the top end with both hands. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower your body by bending your hips and knees while keeping your chest up. Make sure you push all the way through your foot. Continue until your thighs are parallel to the ground, keeping your back straight. Push through the entire foot, lifting the body to return to the starting position. Repeat for target repetitions.

fit man doing dumbbell exercises for slim waist in gym

The dumbbell overhead press is a great exercise for developing strength in the deltoids and triceps. It also engages your core and upper back muscles for stability.

To perform a dumbbell overhead press, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height with palms facing forward. Engage your core and press the dumbbells overhead, fully extending your arms. Pause at the top, making sure to avoid shrugging throughout the full range of motion. Lower the dumbbells in a controlled manner to shoulder height. Repeat for target repetitions.

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man doing lunges with dumbbells

The last of the best dumbbell exercises for men to gain strength is the dumbbell lunge. Dumbbell lunges are effective for working your quads, glutes, and hamstrings. They also require balance and stability, engaging your core muscles.

To perform dumbbell lunges, begin by standing with a dumbbell in each hand, arms fully extended at your sides and palms facing your torso. Step forward with your right foot, keeping your torso straight and maintaining balance. As you plant your right foot, rotate your left foot slightly inward. Lower your body by flexing the knee and hip of your front leg until the knee of your back leg is almost in contact with the floor. Make sure you push through the entire foot of the front leg. Push through the entire foot of the front leg, extending the hip and knee to return to a standing position. Repeat for target reps, then switch legs.

#exercises #men #gain #strength #dumbbells

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