What are ultra-processed foods and why you should avoid them

The current affairs program Panorama is examining the potential links between ultra-processed foods and the rise in chronic disease. In tonight’s (June 5) documentary, there is an investigation into these convenience foods and how they can affect our health. The description of the BBC show reads: ‘The UK is grappling with an epidemic of chronic disease, with diabetes rates at record highs and cancers in young people on the rise. Now, there is mounting evidence to suggest this could be linked to the food we eat. “Ultra-processed convenience foods contain…

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What foods are ultra-processed and bad for you? List more expert opinions on health impact

Foods can be divided into four categories, from unprocessed to ultra-processed. Despite being an unfamiliar term, much of what we eat will fall into the latter bracket. This refers to how much processing the food has undergone in its production, tending to indicate that something will contain additives that are not used in home cooking. Ultra-processed foods include things you might think are unhealthy like chips and cookies, but they also include some cereals, breads, and yogurts. So what does the term really mean, and are ultra-processed foods bad for…

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Ultra-Processed People by Chris van Tulleken: An extraordinary book that hits where it counts

Ultra-processed people: why do we eat things that aren’t food and why can’t we stop? Author: Chris Van Tulleken ISBN-13: 978-1529900057 publisher: Cornerstone Press Rough price: 22 I try to suppress the fact that I have a candy drawer in my office. Every morning I get a little rush of excitement at the thought of opening it. Inside is a stash of the things I love to eat: Belvita Breakfast bars, Cadburys Snacks, a packet of Hobnobs. Despite my knowledge of marketing getting these items into my drawer, into my…

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