7 Worst Foods For Your Immune System, According To A Dietitian

Like a superhero clad in a cape, your immune system constantly monitors evil threats such as viruses or bacteria and kicks into action when you get sick. After the COVID-19 pandemic, keeping your immune system fit to fight off the next virus could be a priority. While no specific food or supplement can guarantee you’ll never get sick, your overall diet can play an important role in supporting the work your immune system does to ward off unwanted infections. Eating a diet rich in fiber and healthy fats and providing…

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McDonalds 10 Worst Orders, According to Dietitians

Drive-thru restaurants offer conveniences and meals that children and adults enjoy, but often this comes at the expense of quality food. McDonald’s is known for its burgers, fries, crispy chicken McNuggets and more. While these foods may taste delicious and satisfy your need for a quick meal, these McDonald’s menu items are high in calories, sodium, fat, sugar, and saturated fat. In fact, you might be surprised to learn that some of the chain’s popular menu items can contain nearly a full day’s worth of sodium. Fast food restaurants aren’t…

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