Squats vs Lunges: Which Exercise Is Better For Weight Loss?

Weight loss can be tricky, especially when you have little or no clue about the kinds of exercises that would benefit you the most. Let’s find out which is better for weight loss: squats vs lunges.

Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, squats and lunges are two of the most common workout moves that everyone includes in their fitness routine. They are part of a variety of functional training exercise styles, usually performed by both men and women. These compound moves help build lower-body strength while improving mobility and stability. Additionally, both squats and lunges help burn calories, engage the core, and help create a more toned lower half. While both offer different benefits, which is better for weight loss: lunges or squats? Let’s find out.

Lunges vs Squats: Which is Better for Weight Loss?

As someone in the fitness industry, I often come across this question, whether squats or lunges are better for weight loss. As I always say, across the board, target training or focusing on perceived problem areas will not result in weight loss. Only a sustained approach to fitness, in which the whole body experiences a regular and balanced mix of strengthening, stretching and toning, will result in the desired weight loss.

Benefits of squats

Squats are versatile as they target the quads, glutes and hamstrings, creating more resilience and balance in the lower body. They also strengthen your core and leg muscles, which helps prevent injury and take some weight off your knees. There’s a school of thought that believes squats are better for beginners, as they’re a more balanced move and require less coordination than lunges.

Read also: Pulling off a squat is an art. Here’s how you can do them correctly

Benefits of squats for weight loss. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

Benefits of lunges

Lunges challenge your coordination and agility as you build muscle and strength as the movement is performed one leg at a time. Lunges build lean muscle mass and may be more beneficial in an intermediate to advanced training regimen if you’re used to quick movements that require more coordination. Additionally, lunges are favored by runners, as they help build strength in the legs and glutes which creates resistance to help you run longer and faster.

Read also: Meet lunges, the simplest exercise you can do for strong, toned legs

Find out how lunges are good for weight loss. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Which is better for weight loss?

Squats sometimes come more naturally to people as the movement mimics sitting in a chair, an everyday movement we are all more or less used to. Lunges are more complicated, as they require balance and can cause injury if not performed correctly.

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However, doing just one alone won’t lead to weight loss. It is recommended that you include both exercises in your workout routine. Squats work the target muscle groups harder as you hold a squat longer, while a lunge requires faster movement. A combination of the two will result in a calorie-burning, core-engaging workout that will show benefits whether you’re an athlete or just a fitness enthusiast. Likewise, with squats and lunges, doing just one alone won’t lead to weight loss.

Read also: Weight Loss Tips: Incorporate these 5-minute exercises into your busy schedule

Know the right exercises for weight loss. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

Squat or lunge, proper form is important

Make sure you do the exercises correctly. It is vital to maintain proper form when performing a squat or lunge. As with any workout, start slowly. Start with mastering your squat, then move on to perfecting your lunges, before incorporating both into your workout. When you’re able to do both and do them right, that’s when you’ll create a truly explosive lower body workout.

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