The secret of why stress makes you reach for chocolate revealed

Scientists have revealed why feeling stressed keeps you reaching for donuts, candy, and even candy bars. Australian researchers have said that when someone is full, an area of ​​the brain kicks in to turn off reward signals from food that signal them to stop eating. But in experiments on stressed mice, they found this area remained silent prompting the rodents to keep eating for pleasure. Those in the stressed group gained twice as much weight as mice in the non-stressed group. The scientists said their study highlights the importance of…

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Eating foods rich in flavanols may improve brain health, a new study suggests

If apples, pistachios, cocoa, and tea don’t appear often in your diet, consider incorporating them into your regular menu. Thanks to their flavanol content, this can mitigate age-related memory loss. That’s according to new research from Columbia University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School. Here’s what to know about the study, plus the best foods for increasing your daily intake of flavanols. What are Flavanols? Flavanols belong to the flavonoid family, a large group of more than 6,000 protective plant compounds found in fruits, vegetables,…

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Chocolate milk could be banned from schools, USDA says. Here’s what pediatric nutritionists think about the drink.

Is chocolate milk bad for babies? Here’s what pediatric nutritionists have to say. (Illustration: Alex Cochran; Photo: Getty Images) The US Department of Agriculture is considering a possible ban on flavored milks, including chocolate and strawberry, in elementary and middle schools. It is one of two proposals aimed at reducing the amount of added sugar children consume at school. (The other proposal would allow both flavored and unflavored milk for all grades from kindergarten through 12th.) But is chocolate milk really bad for babies? Here’s what pediatric nutritionists have to…

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Chocolate milk could be banned from schools, USDA says. Here’s what pediatric nutritionists think of the drink.

Is chocolate milk bad for babies? Here’s what pediatric nutritionists have to say. (Illustration: Alex Cochran; Photo: Getty Images) The US Department of Agriculture is considering a possible ban on flavored milks, including chocolate and strawberry, in elementary and middle schools. It is one of two proposals aimed at reducing the amount of added sugar children consume at school. (The other proposal would allow both flavored and unflavored milk for all grades from kindergarten through 12th.) But is chocolate milk really bad for babies? Here’s what pediatric nutritionists have to…

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