Because regular exercise can help you deal with pain better

New research has found that people who exercised regularly were better able to handle a pain test. The researchers say this suggests that exercise may help chronic pain sufferers. Doctors say there are a few reasons exercise can help build your pain tolerance. While pain is a part of life, it’s not exactly something people are eager to experience. Now, new research suggests that doing something as simple as exercising regularly can help increase your pain tolerance. The study, published in Plos ONE, used data from 10,732 adults in Norway…

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6 regular strength exercises all men should be doing in their 60s

If you’re a man approaching your golden years or have already passed the six-decade mark, you may feel like you’re further away from your prime. You move slower, things hurt more, and the temptation to avoid physical activity may be the strongest it’s ever been. That said, I implore you to exercise if you’re a man in your 60s. (With all exercise that involves adding weight, make absolutely sure you’re working at a weight you feel comfortable with. It’s always a good idea to consult a certified fitness professional who…

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