I swapped my usual workouts for gardening for a week and found new ways to train my muscles in the garden

ORSince the weather warms up every year, I spend a lot of time gardening. I like to be outside where the birds sing. I am taking care of the plants and my mind can wander. And when I’m sore the next day, I can tell I’ve had some exercise. While many of us may not think of gardening as a traditional workout, research has shown that it provides many physical and mental benefits, including improving mood and boosting vitamin D levels from sunlight. A recent study of US adults ages…

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BowFlex adjustable dumbbells make me want to train every day

Photo credit: Image generated by Tyler Schoeber using Midjourney There’s a reason most gyms aren’t home gyms: Exercise equipment is the opposite of space efficiency. The weight plates average nearly a foot and a half in diameter, each, and there’s no point in assembling a collection unless you also add a barbell, weight rack, and effective room to move around. Adjustable dumbbells are the fitness world’s successful attempt at space-saving design, and nobody does it better than the BowFlex. The BowFlex SelectTech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells may not be the most…

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How to train like a New Zealander

TThe United States may not be best known for being a health-conscious country, but there’s no denying that, over the years, fitness and wellness have climbed up the priority list. It’s a topic commonly discussed in real life and on social media, not to mention one that encourages considerable consumption of content, clothing, supplements, you name it. But have you ever stopped to wonder if it’s just us? Or are there people around the world who are equally consumed with training and tapping into mental and physical health? To find…

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