These 7 minute workouts will help you burn fat and get fit fast

YOUR WORKOUTS SHOULD NOT occupy the whole day. Unless you’re a professional athlete or fitness instructor, you’re probably working to fit your sweat sessions into a schedule filled with other plans and responsibilities that take precedence over your trips to the gym. You may find it helps when you can measure your workout plans in minutes instead of hours, especially on those days when squeezing even a short time for movement seems impossible. Good news: Science says you can get an effective workout session in under 10 minutes—just seven to…

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Core workouts: 3 best ways to strengthen and build abs without weights

If you’re wondering if it’s possible to build abs without using weights, the answer is absolutely. No pun intended, we promise. Of course, adding weights like the best adjustable dumbbells, kettlebells, and resistance bands increases the intensity, but some of the best ab workouts out there are based on body weight alone. Below, we list three ways to strengthen your abs without weights and why the methods produce results. Just remember that building your abs shouldn’t just be an aesthetic goal—there are various reasons to strengthen your core. Here’s why…

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I swapped my usual workouts for gardening for a week and found new ways to train my muscles in the garden

ORSince the weather warms up every year, I spend a lot of time gardening. I like to be outside where the birds sing. I am taking care of the plants and my mind can wander. And when I’m sore the next day, I can tell I’ve had some exercise. While many of us may not think of gardening as a traditional workout, research has shown that it provides many physical and mental benefits, including improving mood and boosting vitamin D levels from sunlight. A recent study of US adults ages…

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Three CrossFit bodyweight workouts from the UK’s fittest woman Lucy Campbell to help you get fit anytime, anywhere

I know they’re not for everyone, but I love a vacation workout. I feel less pressured than my regular pre-work sweat sessions and they never fail to lift my mood. But whenever I look for CrossFit bodyweight workouts to tackle outdoors, WODs like Mary, Annie, and Cindy are recommended to me. While these are technically Bodyweight workouts—you won’t need weights to tackle any of the moves—still require some sort of equipment like a jump rope or pull-up bar, neither of which tend to turn into luggage. To solve this recurring…

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