Bodybuilding Legend Dorian Yates Discusses 2-Exercise Abs Routine That Led to 6 Mr. Olympia Titles – Fitness Volt

Bodybuilding icon Dorian Yates topped the Men’s Open division with hard work and a rock-hard physique. In a recent Instagram post, Yates presented the two-exercise ab routine that helped him win six Mr. Olympia titles. Dorian Yates pioneered the Mens Open division mostly in the 1990s. He was next to take the throne after the great Lee Haney, who left the sport as an eight-time champion. While dominating his class, Yates had a great influence on the overall appearance. As time went on, bodybuilders with overbearing dimensions continued to find…

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Core workouts: 3 best ways to strengthen and build abs without weights

If you’re wondering if it’s possible to build abs without using weights, the answer is absolutely. No pun intended, we promise. Of course, adding weights like the best adjustable dumbbells, kettlebells, and resistance bands increases the intensity, but some of the best ab workouts out there are based on body weight alone. Below, we list three ways to strengthen your abs without weights and why the methods produce results. Just remember that building your abs shouldn’t just be an aesthetic goal—there are various reasons to strengthen your core. Here’s why…

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5 reasons why you still can’t see your abs, despite working out

If you’ve spent hours at the gym doing some of the best abs exercises, but you still don’t see any difference in your midsection, don’t panic! Strong abs are more than just an aesthetic goal — they can help you sit with better posture, reduce back pain, lift heavier weights, and run faster. However, if visible abs are your goal, you may be discouraged if your time at the gym hasn’t given you the results you’d hoped for. Again, it’s worth noting that getting a six-pack or losing weight doesn’t…

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