These 7 minute workouts will help you burn fat and get fit fast

YOUR WORKOUTS SHOULD NOT occupy the whole day. Unless you’re a professional athlete or fitness instructor, you’re probably working to fit your sweat sessions into a schedule filled with other plans and responsibilities that take precedence over your trips to the gym. You may find it helps when you can measure your workout plans in minutes instead of hours, especially on those days when squeezing even a short time for movement seems impossible. Good news: Science says you can get an effective workout session in under 10 minutes—just seven to…

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How to Lose Weight Fast: Rachael Attard shares her weekly routine as a personal trainer

A personal trainer has shared the weekly exercise routine she swears by for staying fit, and it’s way easier than you might think. Rachael Attard, a sports nutritionist and scientist specializing in women’s bodies and sculpting lean, strong legs, has a day off once a week and does all of her workouts at home. Perfect for those pressed for time, the Queensland-based trainer says her current routine is ‘minimal’ and features workouts lasting less than 30 minutes. On Mondays, Rachael focuses on leg and butt exercises, and on Wednesdays, she…

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