Dis-Chem Dispensary Support Learnership 2023

We are pleased to announce that applications are currently being accepted for the Dis-Chem Dispensary Support Learnership program for the 2023 intake. This opportunity is available at multiple locations in KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng, and North West. If you have a keen interest, we kindly request you to carefully review the minimum qualification criteria before submitting your application. About Dis-Chem Dis-Chem, the leading chain of pharmacies in South Africa, operates 165 stores, making it the country’s second-largest and most renowned pharmacy chain. In 2019 alone, these stores achieved a remarkable revenue of…

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Nutritional warning: this is what (approximately) 100 grams of strawberries contain

News Lifestyle Health Nutritional warning: this is what (approximately) 100 grams of strawberries contain Strawberries are on the “dirty dozen” list, meaning they are among the fruits and vegetables with the highest pesticide residues. Consider buying organic strawberries or wash them thoroughly before consuming. Strawberries are a good source of antioxidants, dietary fiber, and are also low in calories and fat (Image Source: Pixabay) Strawberries can be eaten in a variety of ways from jams, pies and cakes, to ice cream and salads. Known for their sweet and sour taste,…

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A TikTok trend claims that this supplement is “Nature’s Ozempic.” It is not.

Ozempic, a drug used to treat diabetes, has garnered attention from celebrities, social media influencers, and the general public for its off-label use for treating obesity and helping with weight loss. Now, a new dietary supplement has taken over social media platforms, like TikTok, for similar qualities. Berberine, labeled “nature’s Ozempic,” was seen as a cheaper and more easily accessible alternative to the popular drug. Like Ozempic, berberine is commonly used to lower blood glucose levels to treat type 2 diabetes. Herbal medicine can also be used for neurological, metabolic…

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6 alternatives to the barbell deadlift (that could be better)

With the possible exception of the bench press, no other lift seems to have garnered as much a fan base as the deadlift. One obsession among many, there is a belief in some circles that you can’t take training seriously unless you’re deadlifting. Frankly, we call it BS. The truth is, unless your sole the goal is to become very, very good at it balance wheel deadlifting, there is no reason to just do it prioritize the barbell deadlift. When you break it down, it’s simply a loaded “zipper” motion…

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Don’t believe the backlash. Saturated fats are actually bad for you.

Comment on this storyComment Let’s tackle saturated fat, shall we? It’s something people argue about on social media and (mostly) heartily disagree in the scientific literature. I could write a persuasive piece, chock-full of experts and evidence, that goes down both sides: Is sat fat harmful or is sat fat benign or even beneficial. But digging a little deeper, the story becomes clearer. Clearer, actually, than most nutritional issues. And that story is that sitting fat is bad. Will Diet Drugs Defeat Diet Quacks? I hope so. For a long…

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