Epic leg workout, no barbell squats needed

Not everyone can, nor does they have the inclination to barbell squat as part of their daily leg workouts. After all, sometimes it’s pretty easy to skip workout legs altogether. But some like discomfort during exercise, and we’re not just talking about the quad burn. Whatever your reason for training your legs, there are many ways you can achieve lower body muscle building without putting yourself under the barbell. Moonlight firefighter and One LDN personal trainer by day, Wole Adesemoye of Precision Performance Coaching, shares his epic daily leg session…

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6 alternatives to the barbell deadlift (that could be better)

With the possible exception of the bench press, no other lift seems to have garnered as much a fan base as the deadlift. One obsession among many, there is a belief in some circles that you can’t take training seriously unless you’re deadlifting. Frankly, we call it BS. The truth is, unless your sole the goal is to become very, very good at it balance wheel deadlifting, there is no reason to just do it prioritize the barbell deadlift. When you break it down, it’s simply a loaded “zipper” motion…

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That’s why you shouldn’t forget about the barbell bicep curl

Google the term biceps curl and you’ll get over 20 million hits. There’s no shortage of information about this beloved muscle group and its most popular exercise. Think back to your first time at the gym when you didn’t know much about weight lifting. Was one of the first exercises you performed a bicep curl? (To be honest.) Bicep curls are one of those exercises where you can proudly look in the mirror when your arm swells up after each curl. And no one will blink when you roll up…

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