The SI joint could be causing your back pain, and we have the exercises to deal with it

You may be used to dealing with aches and pains in your knees or wrists and know what to do about it. But what about your SI joint? If you’re not familiar with this area at the base of the spine, it should be on your radar. In fact, it could already be causing problems without you realizing it: Researchers attribute between 15 and 30 percent of chronic low back pain to the SI joint. And unfortunately, the pains associated with this joint don’t stop at your back: They could…

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Your body naturally produces opioids without causing addiction or overdose

Opioid drugs like morphine and fentanyl are like the two-faced Roman god Janus: the kind face offers pain relief to millions of sufferers, while the grim visage drives a crisis of opioid abuse and overdose that has claimed nearly 70,000 lives across the United States United only in 2020 . One possible path to achieving this lies in understanding the molecular pathways that opioids use to work their effects in your body. (unsplash) {{^RegisteredUser}} {{/RegisteredUser}} {{^RegisteredUser}} {{/RegisteredUser}} Scientists like me who study pain and opioids have been looking for a…

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