7 workout tips from Alicia Keys to unlock your fitness potential

Alicia Keys is one of the most successful singers out there. She has released hit songs like “Fallin’”, “If I Ain’t Got You” and “Unthinkable”. This led to her being featured in her campaign and iHeartRadio’s 2022 “See Her, Hear Her” special. Keys has also appeared as a coach The voice and in the movie The secret life of bees. How does he stay so fit? Read on to see 7 ways Alicia Keys keeps fit and photos that prove they work, and to get yourself ready for the beach,…

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How to fully exploit the potential of telehealth

Telehealth visits in the US have dropped dramatically since April 2020, but the end of the pandemic shouldn’t mean the end of telehealth. It can play a valuable role in health care delivery. The key to harnessing its potential is to bring many elements of the clinic to the patient. A host of new technologies and services make it possible. Are the best days of telehealth already behind us? We don’t think we are, although the concern is understandable given that the end of the public health emergency has set…

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Can physical activity relieve anxiety? The study investigates the potential and pitfalls of fitness as a therapy

In a recent study published in the journal Advances in cardiovascular diseaseresearchers explore whether exercise could be used to treat anxiety. Study: Is exercise a valid therapy for anxiety? Systematic review of recent literature and critical analysis. Image credit: GP PIXSTOCK/Shutterstock.com The mental health benefits of exercise Lifestyle psychiatry recognizes the impact of various health behaviors, such as eating, sleeping, smoking, and physical activity, on mental health. Exercise is a well-known health behavior that provides both physical and psychological benefits. In fact, exercise is now recommended as the primary treatment…

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