Immunity check! 10 essential foods to keep your defense in top shape

Over the years we have learned the importance of immunity. It works as the first line of defense against any imbalance in the body. From regulating our metabolism to preventing oxidative stress, your immune health does it all. However, some people are not blessed with strong immunity. Therefore, it is always advisable to fill up on healthy nutrients to boost our body’s defense mechanism. And the best part is, you don’t need to travel miles looking for those nutrients. All you need to do is scan your kitchen and select…

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Fitness Watch: How muscle memory helps you get back in shape after a break

Whether it’s riding a bike, playing the piano, or hitting a hole in one, there are just a few things you’ll never forget how to do. And the reason for this phenomenon is thanks to something called muscle memory. Muscle memory applies to a wide range of physical activities, from playing an instrument to playing sports. But while we need to repeatedly practice a movement to develop muscle memory, the term doesn’t really refer to the muscles’ ability to remember movements. Rather, this memory occurs in our central nervous system,…

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