Study of blood tests in Tokyo finds 98% have vitamin D deficiencies

D come on, everyone! One of the great things about living in Japan is enjoying the country’s traditional cuisine, filled with nutritious foods. However, the other day as I was exiting Starbucks I tripped over the wheel of a Pizza Hut delivery bike that was parked next to a McDonalds and nearly broke my toe! It’s strange because I don’t remember my bones being that fragile, but perhaps a recent study from Jikei University School of Medicine holds the answer. According to the study, announced on June 5, a whopping…

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The phenolic composition, antioxidant capacity and other functional properties of fresh and dried figs

In a recent study published in the Nutrients Journal, researchers explored the phytochemical contents and health benefits of consuming figs. Study: Phytochemical composition and health benefits of figs (fresh and dried): A literature review from 2000 to 2022. Image Credit: NewAfrica/ Background Figs, scientifically known as Ficus carica, are deciduous trees or shrubs that belong to the Moraceae family. They are native to Southwest Asia and the Middle East. For centuries, people have recognized the value of these fruits for their positive impact on a variety of health issues, such…

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Here’s how much stress actually affects blood pressure, and what you can do about it

Stress is not good for our health. Virtually everyone has heard it at some point, whether it’s from a spouse, doctor, or well-meaning friend. But isn’t practically everyone stressed out? Isn’t being stressed “normal”? Unfortunately, statistics show how common it is to experience high levels of stress on a regular basis. Americans are some of the most stressed people in the world; the stress experienced by Americans is 20% higher than the global average. Stress may be common, but it shouldn’t be viewed as normal, and it can absolutely have…

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